Amy Boulton
Artist based in Gothenburg, Sweden
b. 1992, Huddersfield, UK
Exhibitions, residencies and research projects
- 1, 2, 3 Playtime selected participant in an interdisciplinary series of workshops, seminars and upcoming group exhibition (Sep 24) Inter Arts Center (IAC) Malmö, Lund University /Region Skåne
- Ghost platform: generating the “complex image” of data, labour and logistics, Research Assistant, Institute for Futures Studies (IFFS), Stockholm
- Riddergade AIR, artist residency hosted by Viborg Kunsthal, Denmark (Aug-Nov)
- Mia - Your Personal Assistant, shown in online group show Between the Invisible Walls (7 Jun - 8 Aug), Post-Gallery.Online Talinn, Estonia
- Popps Packing, artist residency in Hamtramck, Detroit, USA (May-June). Supported by Västra Götalands Regionen
Trainee at Trust in Play European School of Urban Game Design Cycle 2 - Meeting the Mystery Eleusis 2023 European capital of culture, Greece
- International residency at Zentrum Für Kunst und Urbanistik (ZK/U)
with support from Helge Ax:son Johnsons
stiftelse, Konstnärsnämnden and Västra Götalands Regionen
ANOTHER NEW BEGINNING group show at Stenkolsateljén Göteborg, with support from Kultur Ungdom
- If time unfolds as change then space unfolds as interaction Temporary print installation on Trafikverket planks at the Haga construction site of Västlänken, Gothenburg. In collaboration with Benj Gerdes as part of Kronotopia curatorial project (Skogen/Göteborgs Konst)
- Of Public Interest HQ open house, Gröndahl Stockholm: presentation of the public art prototype and proposal Det Nya Grannskapet within the trans-disciplinary Of Public Interest postmasters lab/studio
Reality Harvester: Nature after Data after Nature Print publication and website,. Skogen Press. Conceived and edited in collaboration with artists
Lisa Trogen Devgun, Jacob Broms Engblom and Benj Gerdes. Supported by Artistic Research and Development funding (KFoU), Kungligakonsthögskolan Stockholm
Training Set audio and sculpture project with support from Göteborgs Stad
Residency at
Nordiska Konstförbundet (NKF) Malognen, Södermalm Stockholm
- Open Call! Stadstriennalen c/o Rösska Museet, design museum Gothenburg
- Tracing flows Risograph double sided print poster project in collaboration with artist Benj Gerdes, with support from Göteborgs Stad
- If You Listen I Will Tell, group exhibition, Galleri Monitor and ROTOR2, Göteborg
- Things We Will Forget, Masters graduation exhibition, Göteborgs Konsthall
- City
Samples, Audio
Installation, Galleri Monitor, Göteborg
- Gothenburg Underground Tour, shown across 4 sites in Gothenburg city. Audio-visual tour of four sites in Gothenburg with a hidden underground, accessed through augmented reality. Produced in collaboration with Connie Nguyen. Part of Stuck in the middle with you, MFA 1 end of year presentation, Akademin Valand
- 1kg group exhibition, Galleri ROTOR2, Gothenburg
- BABA PIE, group exhibition of studioholders from Rhubaba, Edinburgh at Assembly House Gallery & Studios, Leeds
- Ludicrously Ideal and Beautifully Placed, duo show with Laura Yuile at GENERATORprojects
- Graduate Residency at Hospitalfield Arts, Arbroath
- Undercurrent, solo show at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop,
- Isn’t it wonderful there in the brightness, Screening of ‘The Waterfront’ at Hidden Door Festival, curated by Edinburgh Artist’s Moving Image Festival, Edinburgh.
- Graduate Residency at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Edinburgh
- ALT. group exhibition, Bargain Spot, Edinburgh
- Shift and Spin group exhibition, Stanley Mills, Perthshire
- Square Egg group exhibition, Whitespace Gallery, Edinburgh
- I Think This Film is About You group exhibition, The Bongo Club, Edinburgh
Degree level-
2017-19 MFA Fri
Konst (fine art), Valand Academy, Gothenburg, Sweden
2011-15 BFA (Hons)
Intermedia Art, Edinburgh College of Art, UK
Of Public Interest Post-masters lab at Kungliga Konsthögskolan / Studio at Gröndal, Stockholm
- Svenska som andraspråk 3 advanced level Swedish language qualification, Hermods Göteborg
- EAT: Food, Materiality and Design (Fristående kurs), HDK Academy of Design and Crafts
- Publikationens utvidgade fält/Publicering som social praktik (Fristående kurs), Valand Academy
- Erasmus exchange, Intermedia department at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
- Advanced level Art, English and French, Greenhead College, Huddersfield UK
- 2024, Wilhelm & Martina Lundgrens Understödsfond för kulturella ändamål
2023, Göteborgs Stad Kulturstipendium
- 2020, 2021 Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse
Göteborgs Stad Tillfälligt Stipendium
- 2017, Grant from the Eaton Fund
- 2015, Edinburgh College of Art/ Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop Graduate Bursary Award
- 2015, Andrew Grant Bequest Travel Scholarship, University of Edinburgh
Relevant Employment
- 2019-24 Research/project assistant and collaborator with artist Benjamin Gerdes
2023 Production and curatorial assistant, THINGSTIGATE Dr. Tintin Wulia, Göteborgs Universitet
- 2019- Freelance English copywriter and copy editor
- 2017-19, Platform for Artistic Research Sweden (PARSE) conference assistant, Gothenburg
- 2016-17, WHALE Arts, Wester Hailes, Edinburgh: Street arts support worker
- 2016-17, Lists of Life: Life drawing tutor
- 2016, Studio Alec Finlay: Studio assistant
- 2016, Edinburgh Artists’ Moving Image Festival: Curatorial team member
- 2014-15, Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh: Events assistant
Writing & Editorial work
- Editor, Reality Harvester: Nature after Data after Nature in collaboration with artists Lisa Trogen Devgun, Jacob Broms Engblom and Benj Gerdes. Supported by Artistic Research and Development funding (KFoU) from Kungligakonsthögskolan Stockholm.
- Assisted in writing and editing the successful artistic research grant application Ghost Platform: Generating the “Complex Image” of Data, Labour and Logistics, led by artist Benjamin Gerdes, funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).
- Sense and the City: Towards a Feminist Psychogeography, Masters thesis, Akademin Valand
- Copy editor and contributor, RE:SEARCH publication, Göteborgs Universitet
- Copy editor and contributor, Stuck In the Middle With You publication, Göteborgs Universitet
- Interview with Dr. Angela McClanahan-Simmons,
Senior Lecturer of Visual Culture, Edinburgh College of Art, published as
accompanying text for Undercurrent solo exhibition, Edinburgh
Sculpture Workshop.
- Perfect people, Perfect Places: The Social Construction of Our Ideals, Bachelor thesis, Edinburgh College of Art
- Acting up: Talking Power, Parody and Identity with Rachel Maclean Interview with artist Rachel Maclean for BOTA Magazine, Edinburgh
︎ View Copywriting Portfolio
Talks, Workshops and Events
- Featured guest on Girl Employee Podcast episode: AI Lovers
- Talk on Data Intimacies at STEEM - Center for the Study of Technological, Emerging, and Ethical Methods, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University
AI Anarchies Study group member, AI Anarchies Autumn School hosted by JUNGE AKADEMIE at the
Akademie der Künste, Berlin
IGLAB (Interesting Games Lab) Presentation of Training Set prototypes in development, Berlin
- Co-led LARP workshop Delivering dirty (fostering filthy frictions against the cleaned-up contemporary city) on the theme of the Platform City at A thinking practice symposium, Hägerstensåsens medborgarhus Stockholm. In collaboration with Rosa Danenberg, Benjamin Gerdes, Carmen Lael Hines and Ying-Tzu Lin
- Artist talk at Rösska design museum about the project Mappa Trappa, commissioned for Göteborgs Stadstriennalen
- Trust in Play European School of Urban Game Design, co-designer of Primitive Objects, presented at a public game-jam event, Innovathens, Athens
- The A to Z of Artist-Led workshop aimed at generating discussion around self-sustaining artistic practices through a series of collaborative tasks and activities. Taking place within BABA PIE, a group exhibition of studioholders from Rhubaba, Edinburgh at Assembly House Gallery & Studios, Leeds, June 2017.
- The Spaces We’re In mini symposium at Dundee Contemporary Arts, part of NEoN Digital Arts Festival.
- Artist talk at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop
- Thought Leadership – Organised an afternoon of talks, screenings and performance which took place as part of Embassy Gallery’s Annuale Festival, Evolution House Boardroom, Edinburgh.
- What to Wear for Work? Performance lecture with Daisy Lafarge, presented at Female Sexuality in the Media workshop, (Hosted by Marvin Gaye Chetwynd) Minto House, Edinburgh.
Voluntary roles and activism
2017-2019, Gallerigrupp member, Akademin Valand (social media management) Gothenburg
2015-2017, Committee member, Critical Network for
Artists’ Moving Images, Edinburgh
2017-2018, Equalities and working environments officer, Konstkåren, Akademin Valand Gothenburg
2016, Selection committee member, Edinburgh
Artists’ Moving Image Festival
- 2015-2017, Study group member, Edinburgh Radical Feminists reading group, Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh